Sunday, July 1, 2012

Deep Breath

To treat depression or anxiety dis-order, one has look deeply into their own minds,monitoring and taming the wild monkey that lives there,and not suppress the monkey with drugs, tobacco and alcohol, as this is an escape, and here, one will never find peace within themselves or with others. In fact, things will worsen. Understanding what "THOUGHTS" triggers ones wild monkey and letting go of the cause, via a change in ones beliefs, their life style, their work,through meditation,(((Deep Breathing))) and exercise "WILL" aid in quiting the wild monkey.If one is experiencing depression and or anxiety, its time to put aside ones pacifiers, (their excuses), and step up to the plate and tame your monkey,and not blame others for your own insanity.It is all in how one "THINKS" and "Believes" that makes them this way or that. "You've got to want it!", or remain were you are.If one is physically injured and do not attempt to rehabilitate their wound, they will not get any better. No one can do this for you, just as none can eat for you, breath for you, or pay for what you "Think" to be your sins.They can only point the way, as a sign post that tells one how fast to go and what is in the road ahead.The helping hand that one is looking for in life, is at the end of their own arm."Us it, or lose it". Their is no math to be done on this one.
Good journey to all. KHos

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