Saturday, July 21, 2012

Harmonize the Parts and You will Harmonize the Whole

It appears that, throughout antiquity, all of those who desired to "Know Thy Self", and the (((Magical))) world in and around them, looked closely into the intricate web of nature, and learned of "Genius",of it's union,it's "Oneness".
They found that all was "One Organism", all interconnected, and therefore they discovered that, "what one does onto another person,place or thing, they also, do onto themselves and onto the whole.
It is time to digest this "Ultimate Understanding" & find " Peace and Compassion Within" our own hearts, so that "Peace and Compassion" can be felt within the (((Whole))).

In a world where every person,place and thing are parts of "One Organism, and or One Being", "There is no Enemy".

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