Monday, July 16, 2012

To Conquer FEAR

One must simply understand that they are a part of the (((Whole))) of Existence, that there is no "Separation" (there is not one galaxy,person,place or thing that is out of place or that is independent and or separate from another), and therefore, nothing is outside ones (((Deepest Essence))) to "FEAR", nor to be their enemy.
That "All" are in and of "ONE" (((Magical, Ever Present "BEING" of Consciousness))) and it's corresponding action,of which "ALL" appear to influence and are influenced by. This (((Omnipresent BEING))) looks through all eyes, all at once, and it regulates all forms and the formless.
"We are in Good hands",sort of speak.
"Fear", has its base in ones mind alone, it does not exist anywhere else.
"FEAR",can be exposed and broken down into it's true "Emptiness" :
F-alse, E-vidence, A-ppearing, R-eal.
As it would appear if one were to attempt to rob another with just their hand in their coat pocket and their finger pointing out ward like a gun barrel. This is an example of "False Evidence Appearing Real".
When one is in deep sleep, there is nothing to "FEAR".
Sweet Dreams.

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