Thursday, August 16, 2012

Lets Get This Strait

Not many U.S. citizens take into consideration that they live on a continent, the North American continent. And that this continent houses 49 countries which we call states and extends into the whole of Canada.
And not many are aware that America has been sold out from under the feet of the American public to other countries,so the other countries have an interest in preserving it in one piece.
And I ask you,"What country or state from overseas could truly be a threat to the citizens of the North American continent"?
It would be like a state attempting to take over the entire continent overseas,from England to Japan. It is insanity.
Trying to take over Afghanistan alone dropped the Russian Bear to its financial knees.
All foreign countries are to small and to broke,to be a threat.
The World Banks propaganda and their Corporate Mobsters have taken over.
Put and end to the World bank and you will put an end to the financiers of war.
Putting away those directly responsible for war crimes and their loans would be a win win for the world and all of Nature.
The man power and the trilions of dollars that is curently being spent on war,could be spent on suppling all with their needs, across the globe.
If there must be fight, make them fight with their fist.
Say yes to Peace.
Peace is ever present,one needs only to "Allow" for it to be.
So, "Let it Be".

(((Deep Breath)))

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