Tuesday, August 21, 2012


When we talk about our problems,we relive them, neuropeptides,(chemicals) are released into our blood stream and we begin to have the same feeling as when the initial problem occurred. This really stresses the body and can lead to more problems.
Every time that I catch self telling my sad story, I keep a check on my emotions, and I can feel them coming over me, as if I was there, in the very instant from which my story surfaced. And while I am telling my story, there is a voice in the back of my mind saying,"Stop telling the story, it only energizes it", and no one wants to hear it anyway,but, at times, I do it anyway,and I do not feel good about it afterward, as I know that I was weak.
This keeps me humble and it keeps me in check with what I have to work on.
I am doing much better then I use to, I see the progress.


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