Monday, August 20, 2012

Awaken to the Silence

There are 3 ways of looking at things: 2 are related to the programed "Thinking" mind;(the Ego),a total collective of ones nurture and nature.
And ones Ego,has a superficial view, as it only sees the tip of the ice burg,and therefore, may see something in its presence as "Appearing Good", and see another thing as "Appearing Bad", depending upon what has been downloaded into its "Thinking" mind.
The 3rd way is to remain neutral, to witness from within the "Silence", where the idea of a "Good & Bad" fade from ones limited point of view, there is no meaning here, just the Divine presence of (((Being))).
Here, one is the ice burg, forming, only to melt.
Water, is neither good nor bad, it just is.
In the Garden all is relative, awaken Adam.

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