Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Just Asking

So, lets get this straight, if the alleged terrorist who were directly responsible for 911 died in the tragedy that day and "if Iraq was not involved with 911 and there was no weapons of mass destruction found in the country as stated by the U.N. investigators before the attack,and if there was, they were not used.
And Bush has claimed that his biggest blunder of his administration was receiving false information from his sources that caused him to send (Our Children) to attack Iraq in the first place.
Here,if he is saying that his attack on Iraq was wrongfully done, then "Why are we yet over there and attacking more oil bearing countries that were not a problem and that were once our allies that the U.S. gov. sold weapons to?
Shouldn't we be aiding and apologising with deep regret that so many have been tortured and killed over a blunder.
Do the U.S. tax payers want to have blood on their hands by aiding this insanity.
Call your children home.
As things are sounding a bit suspicious.
Is it just a coincidence, an act of God,could it be Greed,has any one figured it out yet.
"JUST asking".
Good journey to all.

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