Sunday, June 17, 2012


(((Imagine))) a "Peace Corps" replacing militaries.
(((Imagine))) military bases being turned into "Spiritual Universities" admitting students from around the world, young and old, uniting our "Oneness" with (((Wisdom)))) and it's (((Peace-full))) resolutions, based on the common grounds of our "Likeness" and not upon our imagined "Differences".
(((Imagine))) doing away with capitalism, where none are led into temptation to rule over another because of ownership.
(((Imagine))) applying our technology only as means for our "NEEDS" as a whole, reducing our carbon imprint, having (((Compassion))) for our Great Grandmother Earth, treating Her as if She was Heaven its self, and She is, we need to get this through our thick heads, and stop looking of into the distance for a Savior and another place to live. This is it!

PS. Disney World is a prime example of how people from around the world can come together in (((Peace))) to celebrate (((Imagination))). Thanks Walt.
"United we stand, as the "Power of "ONE", devided we fall", one in all, do the math.

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