Monday, April 9, 2012

This is Intertainment at It's Best

If the possibilities of the probabilities for (((Existence))) to take place, were calculated and carefully weighed by the human species with their latest technology, all thumbs would be down. Man would conclude that "Life" could not take center stage.
(((Existence))), is beyond "Substance, Birth & Death", and therefore, is the "Ultimate Miracle", anything that can be witnessed within this "Universal Field" of (((Existence))) is secondary, a mere movie in the sky.
"Here, walking on water and raising the dead, is child's play, and there is no true substance to be born to die, to be saved.
We are composed of the (((Spirit))), we are the (((Light))) and we are dealing with (((Eternity))) "Here, Now".
We must consider the depth of our True (((Essence))), and that our (((Presence))) is far greater then our wildest "Imagination".
"We are truly blessed to be "One" with the (((Magic))).

I said, "You are gods, And all of you are sons of the Most High". King James Bible.

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