Sunday, April 22, 2012

First Hand

Should not the one that wants another dead, personally take the others life, as it is of their own ill will that they wish to see the other suffer and die, it seems that it would be much more satisfying.
Hiring a "Hit Man" to do the dirty work, is an "Act of Fear",it is the cowards way.
"Politicians" should not be given the right to send "Others Children" off to war to be their hired assassins, killing people that they don't even know, this is the Devils work.
If a King, Queen, president and or Dictator should wish death onto another, the tax payers should purchase a round trip ticket, to and from their "So-Called" leaders intended targets location, it would be much more humane and less costly then "WAR".
It could be a prime time TV event.
And it may only be a one way flight, if our "So-Called" leaders had balls enough to even take the trip.
LOve and Light to all.

If their were not guns for hire there would be much fewer deaths as most would fear of being the one to die in combat

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