Friday, March 2, 2012

We Are At War Within Our Self

One thing that everybody states when they introduce themselves, or are asked to identify themselves, is that,(((I Am))), (followed by their "given" name).
They say that, (((I Am))) Mark, Mary, John, Teresa and so on.
Its like a number or a code that we identify our products with.
But yet, the (((I Am))), our deepest (((Essence))), is the reservoir in which we "Truly" exist. It is "One" Entity looking through all eyes.
This is why, what we do onto ourselves and others, we do onto the (((Whole))), as "one is the other".
So, treat yourself well, and in turn, your will serve others well.
Its (((PURE MAGIC))).
"Its time to make (((Peace)))within our own minds", and (((Peace)))) will become the world.
Signed: (((I AM))).

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