Thursday, March 29, 2012


This was my reply to a post from another site on FB, that channeled through me to the question, "What does one tell someone whos son has a terminal illness":

This may take a leap of faith, but, she must "Know" that there is "Divine Genius" behind every action, that (((Creation))) is in a constant state of perfection, or nothing would exist. Every leaf from every tree, falls in a order,only to become born again into another form. The caterpillar constructs its own coffin, only escape & fly. Nothing ever vanishes from this eternal moment, (((Here & Now))), there is no way out, it just changes frequencies. Her son will always be with her, and always has been. There is no death nor ends, in this, "The Never Ending Story". They will meet up again, if her son's soul is ready to make the crossing.
Many blessing to her & her beloved. Good journey to all, we have been together forever, as we are "One".

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