Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Wisdom is the Way

There is nothing about Jesus Christ, to our present culture, that is not a story, all of his fame deeds and glory. As it is said that, nothing in writing did he leave behind, others can only tell of this story, but to his actual works they are blind.
The story was forced upon the people to believe, by Inquisition: the sword and Christmas Eve. Marketing can lie and deceive.
Now I am not taking anything away from the man, as he was said to speak of "Wisdom" and lending a hand.
But he had nothing to do with the Bible of today, he did not read, write or edit it, in it, he had no say.
Of this matter, most have been lead astray.
Wisdom" is the way.
It is said that his real name was Yeshua, which was a very good name in the Hebrew tradition. It meant – “Yahweh (God) is savior (helper)”. It was no more then a "name".

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