Monday, September 26, 2011


Those who were known to be the "Enlightened ones"; the saviors,the main charactors of the major religions; Christ, the Buddha, Mohammad and the likes,taught of understanding,Love,Compassion and to be nonjudgemental onto others.
And they would have set in the same circle,hand and hand, mind to mind, as they spoke of "Wisdom".
Now, only if their followers could do the same.
I see few true deciples out there.
Their teaching were not to be practiced only one day a week, for an 1 hour or 2, and then go back to war,or argue with your neighbor.
It was to be a life time dedication, for the "Good of the Whole".
So, if you identify with one of these great teachers, and claim to be a follower of a religion that was formed in behalf of these great minds, then please,"practice what you preach". Namaste

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