Sunday, April 24, 2011

Speaking Words of Wisdom

One who argues, and that is ready to condemn, and fight in the "Name" of their God,or for their Gods alleged deceased human advisers to straighten theirs Gods image,power and stature,"so to,cast doubt upon their very belief in their Gods "OMNIPOTENCE".
As a "TRUE" believer, takes nothing personal when given opposition,to their "belief",as their "belief" is strong. And therefore,they do not become offended and feel a need to condemn and fight another's "mental opinion" in opposition,as they "Know",that it too,is but a belief,empty of substance to inflict harm onto them and the power of their "belief".
Keep in mind here,"that the "placebo" is just as effective as its imagined cure".
One needs not to "DEFEND" their God's "OMNIPOTENCE",nor construct imagined images;clothing them with empty "Thought" forms, and human characteristics, nor do they feel the "NEED" to "FEAR",praise,nor lend obedience to their "belief". One needs not to go to "WAR",to find "PEACE".They just have to go "WITHIN".
They "KNOW," that all they have realy have to do,is just "BE" and "LET it BE".

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