Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Grass Does Not Toil

If everyone practiced patience and understood their sacred union with one another,and that,"what one does unto themselves and others, they do unto the "Whole", with practice,none would desire more then another. No one would be 1 cent wealthier then another. Their equality would be known, and "All" would yet be provided with their needs. Just as all of our other sisters and brothers of "Nature" are provided with their needs.
Anxiety would be a thing of the past.
We would once again ebb and flow with "Nature". Our "Earth Mother" could once again find Her balance and gather Her wits of "Wisdom" that She has to share with her child of all walks of "Life", through Her "Bountiful Power, Beauty and polished patience.
"WE are in class "Here"; it is our church and its best that humans as a species is out doors in "Natures Grand Theater" reaquainting "All", to their "Oneness"; and that "All", are connected, codependent upon "All" others.
Our species is not designed to be behind man made walls,working for a living, as the "Living" is already here. We are naturally nomatic in our nature, "hence our feet", designed to follow our food source, as "All of Nature" follow theirs.
"This is a "Spiritual Journey", not a financial one.
But as a species, we are clever enough to deceive one another, do to our illusion of separation. We are led to believe that we must pay to live upon this free spinning world. But yet our "Earth Mother" sends no bills our way.
This "Industrial,Capitalistic Age of Temptation and Consumption", has got to go.
Man as a species must "NOW Awaken" to their "Divine Union & Potentual". And "where there is a will, there is a way". It has been only a couple of hundred years or less upon this continent that man was nomatic without fences to block their way.
"We must once again "Ebb & Flow" with our "Great Grandmother Earth".
"Patient, need be our souls".
This understanding of our "Wholistic Nature", nurished with "LOVE & COMPASSION" shall be our road.

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