Sunday, May 23, 2010

Closer To The Heart

Why is it, that when someone disagrees with another,that they both will argue in defence of their opinion and become mad.
And most don't even stop to reflect upon what makes this so.
The situation is dire and there is no other Planet to go.
This constant state of insanity is sad.
It will bicker and fight, us against them and not even at death will it part.
As it is merely passed down to the next generation.
We need to gather a better understanding.
One that is closer to the Heart.
This Us and Them has got to go.
As a house divided falls and we reep what we sow.
All are of One Universal Being.
All share One Life, staged in One Cosmic Dream.
There does not have to be this much stress and strife.
This we must know.
That our true nature is both, the seer and theseen.
Our only division lies in the reflection of our thinking.
And that is all it is.
And if one can move into the silence between thinking, they will be clothed in the state of bliss.
The "Tree of Knowledge" can be fruitful.
But It's seeds must fall upon open fertile grounds.
So no restricting vines of judgement will strangle ones imaginaion and pull the whole Tree down.
Now this may take some doing.
But it will become an art.
One that will bring All to a greater understanding.
One that is closer to the heart.

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