Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Walk On

That which is "DOWN" for those on the North American continent is not [[[Hell]]], it is "UP" for China. It points towards their heavens.
Therefore,(((Nirvana))) is not far above ones head awaiting the "Dead", nor is [[[Hell]]] a fiery place bellow ones feet, they exist "Here & Now" for the (((Living))).
One who is (((Greatful))) to experience the "Absolute Miricle" of (((Life))) it's self, walks in (((Heaven))).
One who is "Ungrateful" in life, tortures themselves and others, and burns in their own [[[Hell]]].
"Heaven & Hell" are merely states of "MIND", and "MIND" is all there is.
So in conclusion, one who becomes more and more (((Grateful)))every day, can rise from [[[Hell]]] and walk in ((Heaven))).
Walk on.

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