Monday, October 17, 2011

Man Had no Idea that the Earth was Round

Now, lets do away with this obscene primitive "idea" of a fiery "Hell", and It's Devil from our minds,go outside,look around,take a (((deep breath))), gaze into the Heavens,"LIFE" is our vital sign.
We now know that what is down for the U.S., is not "HELL", but it is up, for China,this is no longer hard to tell.
Awaken Adam from It's slumber, put our imagination back into "WONDER",and remember that,"our souls are not for sell".
:(The "fiery idea" and a hell being underground, most likely came from mans limited perspective of volcanoes, and not knowing that the Earth was round, they only knew of an up;Heaven & down; the ground. Its as silly as it sounds.
Take another look and Scratch it from the books.

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