Friday, July 8, 2011

Become Lucid

The Dreamer; the "I AM"ness, centered in all "Beings", became so in trawled in It's dream, that It forgot, that It was the "Dreamer".
The "Observer" became trapped in that which it was projecting and observing, much like our conscious does in our own dreams, they appear absolutely "real", until we do, what is called, "Waking" up. This false sense of self was later to be termed: the"Ego". A "form" based program of separation and individuality, appearing distant from the "Whole". The "fall from grace", and or "SIN", which means "Missing the Mark", not attuned to the "Christ & or Buddha Consciousness", The "I AM".
And it is time, "Here & Now" for the parts; "All Beings", to "Awaken", and be "ONE" in harmony, with their "Whole". "Amen", which means,"so be it".

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