Tuesday, March 29, 2011


To "accept" that which happens in "Life," as if one brought their experiences upon themselfs, is to acknowledge ones role as a co creator, whos intent manifest before them, cause & efect; karma,reeping what one sows,etc...., which in turn influences the whole of "Creation, as if "All" where connected. One who accepts this idea will be... at ease,in peace of mind. They will tend to do unto the "Whole", as they would like done unto them selves.

"To not "accept" that which happens in "Life", is a statement that declairs that,"the "Whole of Creation" is wrong and the part is right," and there for judgement and punishment need to be applied, and that the "Whole of Creation" is chaotic, unconnected and therefore goes uneffected.

One whom excepts this idea will become frustrated, and will not find peace of mind. They will tend to be more self centered, with disconcern for the "Whole".

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