Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Great "I AM"

Everything is happening all at once, all time, space and experiences.
Faster then the speed of light.
As "Here and Now" appears to be a constant.
And the Great "I Am", is centered in the mist of It's own conscious sight.
The Great "I am", is ever present, and It too, is centered within All souls, as All can identify with It's eternal Essence, as their "I Amness" is with them every where they go.
We All can say, "I am", and then we usually add a label or concept to It, to identify with an outter ego sense of self.
Such as "I am", a carpenter, doctor, lawyer, good, bad, beautiful, ugly, young, or old.
Never the less, we can All identify with the Great "I AM".
As It is the seat of All Soul.

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