Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Set Judgement Free

We are the only ones that can speak for ourselves. And at times, we are unsure why it was that we did what we did and not really sure what or why we say the things that we say, as unconscious clouds of past memories get in the way.
But yet we summon friends and hire interpreters, judges and lawyers to place in a perceived order, under rigid laws and guide lines our dilemmas, trails and tribulations and for their services, penalties and rewards are served and big bucks do we pay.
Well, its not quite that simple, as true judgement is beyond mans call.
As he can not comprehend the vastness of the Universal principles, laws and Its infinite possibilities. He can not see the scope of it all.
We can only speak for ourselves, but it is but an echo in an empty hall.
Judgement needs to be annulled.
Thou shalt not judge.

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