Friday, July 20, 2012

So What

Not many take the time in life to contemplate the (((Moment))) in which they appear to exist,this "Eternal Instant" in which they have always been and ever will be,the(((Here & Now))),this timeless dimension which contains all time,space and realities, and all of the information there in,all at once,every person,place and thing that ever was or ever will be.
"Pretty impressive stuff I would say".

But so what, who cares, I have work to do and money to make.
I don't have the time to talk that nonsense.
"And the beat goes on", and most live a mundane life just making ends meet,never realizing that there is something that is "Absolutely Astounding" going on in and around them, all of the time, all at once.
They do not know of their Divinity, their omnipresence and power.
They are "Spiritually Deprived", and hence mans battles within, and without.
Awaken to the "Genius" amongst us, it is never to late, as it is always, (((Here & Now))).

(Please press 1 for an operator) LOL

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