Monday, July 9, 2012

Its a Money Thing

This is to all of those that do not believe that (((World Peace))) can happen, or at least, not in their life time, you my brothers and sisters of our Great Grandmother Earth, may be the ones holding us back from making it so.
As it most likely is not held at bay by the "Few" that are presently at war, as they are a small percentage out of 7 billion people who live aboard Starship Earth, and most of the wars are propaganda enticed and are corporate battles, they are no longer, this country vs that country, they are, this bank vs that bank, meaning that the current wars are unnecessary, they are only do to greed. Its a money thing.
Do not under estimate the power of belief and your contribution there of.
And that, as a hive and or collective consciousness, our power "United" is grand.
And remember the phrases: "Oh ye of little faith", and "as a man thinketh, in his heart so shall he be.
(((Peace))), has never truly been given a chance, lets bring it forth.

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