Thursday, January 13, 2011

Spiritual Extortion

Beliefs in that "Old Time Religion," is destroying our world and limiting and killing It's people.
Conquering and dividing under many steeples.
The cross points in 4 directions, the pyramid in 3,but I tell you my brothers and sisters of the cosmos, that there is no difference between you and me, nor is there in the Christ, The Buddha, Mohamed, Mother Teressa or Gandhi.
As we are all of "One Humane Family".
Yes, all are children housed within "One Conscious Cathedral of a Omnipotent God".
And in our modern day world this concept should not appear to be so odd.
We must do away with the idea of God appearing in man's finite image and take a quantum leap.
Seeing God as being everywhere and in everything and all souls does It keep.
See It as a Unified Field of Conscious Being" and that you are It and of It, and of an ultimate "Good" does It bring.
And when one adds an o to the word God,they've got "GOOD".
Now do away with judgement and it's separation and all will be understood.

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