Monday, August 13, 2012


In the back of mans mind,he knows that his existence is an apparent impossibility. He assumes that he is separate from his source and therefore,not an intricate part of it, and that it is not in any way of his doings,so,he simply attributes it to an outside source which he has labeled as God, an "Ultimate Creator".
He then takes on a religion to ease his mind and rid of his guilt's, never to consider the (((Magic))) of his own being ever again.
He leaves it up to the so-called experts of his religion to get him a connection and goes to their churches to find and know of God,so that he can one day awaken at Gods door,entering through the Pearly Gates, arriving in Heaven.
He is unaware that the Kingdom of God is here on Earth, "Within" his own "Being". He is unaware that he is an extension of his source, like the sunlight is an extension of the Sun.
One never sees the sun,they only see the light there of.
The Earth and its children, the seed and its flower, the Sun and its Light are one in the same,there is no separation.
We are the Sons and daughters,(extensions) of God, we are who we pray to.
That's why when we pray,we are praying from "Within".
Go "Within", and know that you are in your eternal home.

Man prays from within outwards

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