Wednesday, August 8, 2012

(((Enlightenment))) is Ever Present

One who searches for the meaning to life, may find that there is none, other then what they themselves give it.
"Life" appears to have direction,an evolution sort or speak,an upward movement,but,"it ultimately "Is, as it Is", and ever will be", there is a suchness to it, a sensation of "Being".
Meaning, would lend the "Idea" that there is a means to end,a time and space to get somewhere,but we exist in an ever (((Aware))) realm of and infinite possibilities,all taking place "Here & Now", where there is no time nor space for meaning to take root.
And "Here & Now",is happening All at once, all of the time,it is a placeless place where all conceptual possibilities coexist.
Here, it may be a bit hard to decipher a direction in ones thought process, or of a good or bad or otherwise.
"Silence knows all".
"Be still and know" that,"(((Enlightenment))) is ever present".

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