Friday, June 8, 2012

You are the Sky

It has been said that its best for one to vent their frustration, but it would appear better yet for one to find the trigger that activates their frustration and defuse it at its core, saving vital energy, allowing for it to pass, as a cloud in the sky, accepting their experience at hand as being part of the genius of the unfolding of the universe, bringing them one step closer towards their own (((Enlightenment))), no longer having a need to vent.
"Know that it is "All" in the highest of order, (((Deep Breath))), Accept, allow & Let it go, reprogram and win", or keep the frustration harbored, reacting the same way,under the same program, getting the same results and loose".
Keep in mind that your (((Core Essence))) is the sky, all else are merely clouds passing by.
See clearly or go blind.

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