Saturday, April 14, 2012

Follow the Leader

A "Leader" does not call for war and then call from behind enemy lines, (setting in a comfortable leather chair, in a mansion called the White House) to send his troops; (others "Children") into battle overseas, while they themselves are far from harms way.
A "Leader", leads their troops into battle, and this is why they are called "Leaders".
In conclusion, any leader; the World Bank, a dictating president, his hired officials, their puppeteer & or corporate lobbies, stockholders in weapons industry and religious leaders that call for war, should have to be the first in line at their own battles.
I believe that if the tax payers and their children that flip the bill, the horror, the injuries, death and nightmares for their "Leader" wars, were to make this mandatory, there would be fewer battles waged.
Our so-called leaders come and go, election after election, proving that they are not necessary for the leadership, safety and well being of their followers.
It would serve a people well to take on their own responsibilities and become their own leaders, acting from their hearts and not from greed.

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