Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Input = Output

"(((Kindness))) works".
"Being [[[HATEful]]]! works".
At random, in the mist of that which man considers to be Chaos, there appears to be Order, as both (((Kindness))) and [[[HATE]]] appear to attract their like frequency, signal,vibration, reflection, reaction, and or, response.
There appears to be a comprehensible and or noticeable orderly fashion about the Universe, in that it follows a "Law of Attraction".
In conclusion, the only way to rid of [[[Hate]]]!, is to apply only (((Kindness))).
The Universe appears to be unconditional and user friendly, so it is up to us to live in (((Harmony))) within it, now that we know that we possess the instructions.
"Cause and Effect" coincide with one another.
So,"Let (((Kindness))) be our Cause", and (((Kindness))) our Effect".
"Like Begets Like".

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