Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Centered in "ALL" Without Circumference

"If God, was "Outside looking In",wouldn't It be lonely,disconnected,and "how would God, Its Self, begin?"
Omnipresent and "ALL Mighty",hidden benieth the magic vail;
Can't wrap ones mind around It, nor capture It to "Sale".
It can only be summonded in theory,infinitely abbreviated, then, "imprisioned in books".
But,"It", appears to be "Neutral", "In, between", and on both sides of duality,"esscaping "Death" It needs not rest,Its in every nook. It is "both","the "Observer and the Observed". It is everywhere one looks,"lift a rock, and It is there, It's "Awareness" is everywhere.
It is centered in "ALL", without circumference. Its is the "I AM," in you,and the "I AM" in me too.
"God is All about".
"It is Inside, looking Out".

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