Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Hind sight

If hind sight is 20/20, our future should be clear.
As we are to learn from our mistakes, apply this wisdom to our present and hold all life as dear.
But this is not how it appears to happen, as there are wars and rumors of more.
Our planet is diseased and dieing, but to Its suffering we turn our heads and ignore.
Many civilizations have come and gone, as they failed to take heed of Natures vital signs.
They mismanaged their environment and death and destruction would leave them behind.
And now the population of civilizations is at an all time high.
We are now gambling on a global scale and the extinct we can not resurrect nor buy.
At what degree has the scale tipped already?
Only time will tell.
If hind sight is 20/20. we are turning heaven into hell.
We can only hope that wisdom will prevail.

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