Thursday, May 31, 2012


Allow for, accept and let go.

Fee Will?

If one truly possessed a free will, they could control their minds and therefore, control their world and their behavior.
They would will for health & peace, and not anger and despair.
But, ones will becomes heavily influenced, imprisoned by their way of "Thinking", their programing; ( that this is good, and that is bad).
The only way out of this madness is to change ones way of "Thinking", which will in turn, change ones mind, which will change ones world.
Making problems where there are none is a form of insanity.
One must ask themselves here, "is there really a problem here, or is it my limited point of perspective in which the mere "idea" of a problem is formulated.
The battle is from within, not from without.
Ones energy in conflict with anther's energy can only make them both ill, there can be no room for healing to take place in ones home and with their children.

Fee Will?

If one truly possessed a free will, they could control their minds and therefore, control their world and their behavior.
They would will for health & peace, and not anger and despair.
But, ones will becomes heavily influenced, imprisoned by their way of "Thinking", their programing; ( that this is good, and that is bad).
The only way out of this madness is to change ones way of "Thinking", which will in turn, change ones mind, which will change ones world.
Making problems where there are none is a form of insanity.
One must ask themselves here, "is there really a problem here, or is it my limited point of perspective in which the mere "idea" of a problem is formulated.
The battle is from within, not from without.
Ones energy in conflict with anther's energy can only make them both ill, there can be no room for healing to take place in ones home and with their children.
Free your will or suffer.

The Part Contains the Whole

There is no enemy, need to to fear, to feel empty, separated or lost, complain to, nor defend something that is inherent within the very (((Essence))) of ones soul.
As none are outside their (((Source))).
God, and or (((Awareness))); the "I AM", our center of identity, is not over there, and we are over here, it is all pervasive, centered in every one and thing.
We all can claim that "I AM", as this, is our (((Core Essence))).
As a new born is given birth through its parents, it is a collective part of them, an extension, and a union of the whole.
"No one gave nothing to the Tin Man that he didn't already have.
The part contains the "Whole", but yet the "Whole" is greater then the sum of its parts.
This (((Existence))) thing is absolutely amazing.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Child Shall Lead the Way

In the (((silence))) of ones mind, there is no thought to point to any "Idea", of a good, a bad, or other anything else, other then, that there is an (((Aware))) presence of the sensation of "(((Being))). The "I Am-ness"
Man must free his mind from his Egos programing and reacquaint or relearn from the "Innocence" of the child like mind.
This is why I believe that it is said, that "A Child Shall Lead the Way". Not the adult.
"Have you hugged you 'Child Within' today".
Go look into the mirror and tell your "Child Within" that you love him.
It is very liberating.

Believe That

When one looks closely at a "Belief", they will see that "no-Thing" exist, other than an empty or hollow idea in ones "Mind" alone.
There is no-thing in it to fight over.
It can not hurt anyone or thing.
It is not until one applies or exercises their "Belief" that it can become lethal.
If one "Truly" "Believes" in their heart, that of a "Belief", they will not have to flaunt nor protect it, in any manner what so ever, as they are centered in their "Belief".
One who tries to prove or defend their "Belief", has little faith there in, of their "Belief".

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


A superficial"good and bad" are limited by our perspective, as we hear less than 1% of the acoustic spectrum and see less than 1% of the electromagnetic spectrum.
I believe that the Universe is impersonal and unconditional in its makeup, and we are an extension there of, and "like begets like", it is when we eat the fruit of knowledge of a good and bad that we are lead astray.
The "Idea" of a good and bad neutralize themselves, feathering into one another, to a point that everything "Just Is". A "Suchness" as the Buddha would call it.
"All that can be thought", including, what I am sharing, is but that of a mental construct, and has no foundation to support it. Here, if one feels that (((Creation))) is absolutely astounding in and by its self, they may tend to "Think" of it as being Good. This is where I stand. If on the other hand, one feels that (((Creation))) is, so what, and "Think" that it has been unfair to them, they may tend to call (((Creation))) bad.
(((Awareness))), the "I AM", begets "thought", "Thought", begets judgement of good and bad, the fruit from the tree of knowledge.
I believe that (((Existence))) is mind boggling, and I am intrigued to the highest degree, therefore I "Think" it good.

Pointing Fingers

It is not so much of dire importance "Who or What" "Appear" to be responsible for something that "Appears" unfavorable for others, as it is to ask the question, " WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE", to formulate a solution for the good of the whole.
"Pointing fingers is a waste of time, lives and energy".
"Lets get on with it!", as we must move ourselves into the (((Light))) so that we can see one another "clearly" as "ONE".

Like Begets Like

"Ones willingness to fight for peace, is yet their willingness to fight".
There is no difference here.
If one believes that another is acting like an ass, and they retaliate by acting like an ass, where is the separation between the two asses? lol
Find peace within your own heart and you will find peace in your world, as "Like Attracts Like".

Ye of Little Faith

The "Need" is not for war, the "Need" is, "having complete faith in the genius of Creation".
Those who go to war, have little faith in their God, as if their God is incapable of handling "Eternity" and the genius there in.
"Oh ye of little faith".


Enlightenment will not come by way of war, it will come by finding (((Inner Peace))) within ones own heart.

Misdirected Minds

Revenge is not sweet, it is bitter to its very roots.
It is insanity!

Monday, May 28, 2012

What Would Jesus Do

A true Christian, who obeys their commandments, will not find themselves at war, nor in support there of, under any conditions.
It is estimated that 76 to 80% of Americans are Christians, therefore the U.S. military should be short of troops to even wage war onto our other sisters and brothers of the world.
"Thou shalt not kill" is the 6th commandment.
But like in one of Jimmy Buffett's song: "there is a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning".
What side of the line do you stand on?

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Missing the Mark

One who believes in a "Story Book God" that has been imprisoned by man and binded between two covers, will not know of the whole story and will fall short of their mark.
An Omnipotent and Omnipresent Being can not be captured and etched into stone and then claimed by a religion to be exclusively theirs.

Let Go

May your God give you the faith to fulling believe in Its (((Omnipotence))), so that you will no longer feel a need to defend and protect It.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Ye Are Gods

If there ever was a "Sin", striking fear into the eyes of innocence, teaching our young that there is an impending "Hell", is it.
"FEAR" is introduced.
One mentally looses their souls connection to their source, it severs and breaks ones spirit, like one would a horse, so that they could "Control" and ride it.
The term "Sin", originally only meant "missing your mark"; that was not your best shot. It was used on the archery course in days of old.
And man is missing the mark of his spiritual nature,as he is not attuned to his source.
And to be attuned, one has to be in the "Stillness", at peace within their own minds.
It has been estimated, that on the average, most humans only pick up 2,000 bits of information out of 400,000,0000,000 bits that is being processed by the brain at any given time.
And in comparison, 2,000 bits out of 400,ooo,ooo,ooo bits of information, is a speck that the human eye can not see.
It is time to quite the mind, go into the (((Stillness))), reconnect to our source and know that, "Ye are Gods".

Friday, May 25, 2012

We Are The Light

We are made of the things that dreams are. We are the stars." We are the Children of Light". We are empty of substance for a physical death to grab hold of. We are "Eternal", so give up the illusion of Evil ,Fear & Death", as they are unreal and live in mind alone. We are "One" Conscious Spirit & or (((Being))), being everything, everyone, all at once. Give up the illusion of "Mine", Us & Them. There is no enemy outside our "Oneness". Our only struggle is from within, so, here we must find (((Peace))) within our hearts and unite with our Sisters & Brothers of Life. "Huston, we have (((Awareness)))". "I AM"

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Fear Tactics

"The more one fears death, the more desperate they become".
Here, it is fertile soil for the media,the medical department,religions and politics to take control of their sheep, there is a lot of money to be made here, in the delivery of fear and death.
What one fears the most shall come upon them.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Its All Good

To teach our children of a wicked force that will consume there very souls if they do not act accordingly to an adopted and limited definition of of being good & or righteous, programs them to fear being bad. And one who fears, will tend to bring what they fear the most upon them, and this will "appear" to be bad to those who set "the" rules for good. Fear and violence runs hand & hand.
And that which "appears" bad for one, "appears good for another.
"Things are neutralized here'.
Now, on the other hand, if a child is taught that they are special, and an equal part of the whole, and that therefore, there is nothing outside themselves to do them harm, nor for them to do harm onto, I feel that they would have a more pleasant out look on life.
It is simple, it is "ALL GOOD", if one wants to consider the magic and duration of (((Existence))).


Life has to be a dream, because man would not act so ignorant and abusive if he were truly awake.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


One who believes in "Evil", then too, must believe that their God is "Evil", as "Like begets Like".
Other-wise, where would the "idea" of "Evil" come from, other then, from mans mind alone.

Thou Shalt Not Judge

Practicing what we preach sometimes can be a challenge, but we make it in spite of ourselves. One must just believe that the process of life is the result of "Absolute Genius", it is high tec to the highest degree, and that there is noting out of place, there couldn't be, or existence could not take root.
The whole show is for you and your own (((Enlightenment))) my friend. View it this way, separate yourself from the judgement of mans limited perspective of a superficial "Good & Bad," as it will only take you on a roller coaster ride, as one houses the other in their duality.
Know that all is for an "Ultimate Good" and that you are in the mist of " Absolute Genius", and that none will be left out.
This will liberate those who truly believe in the power of their maker.

Monday, May 21, 2012


If those in a relationship are not willing to come together in an equal union, the bond will not adhere and the circle will not form to support the structure of their relationship.


Ones actions are not them, their "Deepest" essence, it is a collective program that has been downloaded, into their minds throughout life.
They are a total collective of the data, of the actions, reactions, beliefs and thoughts, that they have witnessed in their environment throughout their lives.
It is a massive program.
So therefore,if the governing body of any family, tribe or society, feels that their young are going astray, then they will know that it is a reflection of the governing body, the teachers, and not the students.
Change the teachings and you will change the behavior. Its an "Input = Output" thing.
Teach your young of violence, prisons and war, and of violence, prisons and war, there will be more.
Teach your children of "Wisdom, Love & Compassion", and of "Wisdom, Love & Compassion will be their reaction.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Absolute (((Magic)))

If it is always "Here & Now", then there is no time to lend depth to space for distance to occupy, to house matter, to construct ones physical body. So going within, is merely a figure of speach. As there is no outside to houses an inside.
It all appears to be "One" omnipresent instant.
It is absolute (((Magic))).
We are composed of the things that dreams are made of.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Golden Rule

One can not be upset, and in (((Inner Peace))) at the same time.
One needs to make amends with their mental issues, to release them from their minds.
They need to know that all is taking place from within.
That there is no outside reality,time or space, her or him.
That life is but a (((Magical))) Dream that has become relativly true.
This is what one needs to know, to no longer play the fool.
To find (((Inner Peace))), "Take heed of this Golden Rule".

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


One must die to their present form to be born again for their souls to fly.
The Butterfly Effect.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


"A child shall lead the way", as it has not yet been "taught" by the adult, to "Think", feel and be as they are. And teaching the same thing over and over........... again....... to our youth; our next generation, and expecting different results in the harmony of the human species to suddenly appear upon our Great Grand Mother Earth, is insanity. "Allow your child to teach you, don't send them off to school".

Monday, May 14, 2012

Empty Are Beliefs

There is nothing more firmly believed in, then that of which is least known.
And man will fight to the death in an attempt to be more right on an issue then another.
This "Wanting to be Right", is mans greatest weakness.
"A wise man knows that he does not know".
And here, he needs no weapons to defend an empty belief.


Our Great Grand Mother Earth is a playground, not a war zone.

Self Reflection

At times, we make a good mirror for others to see themselves.

Sunday, May 13, 2012


Believing that there is an [[[END]]], tends to hurry one through life.
But "All" is based upon infinite properties and possibilities, all in one eternal instant, (((Here & Now))).
Smell the followers along the way.
(((Deep Breath))), Have a good eternity.

I Am

"Us and Them" is an illusion.
(((Conscious))) is the unanimous conclusion.
As there is but "One" (((Aware Being))) that looks through all eyes, hears all sounds, senses all that is touched, smells all aromas, and in it, is harbored every question and reply.
(((Conscious))) am I.

Saturday, May 12, 2012


One who rids themselves of "Beliefs", will find themselves in (((Peace))).

Oh Ye of Little Faith

"Weapons are fear based", they are for those of little faith.
And, what man fears the most, shall come upon him.
Lay down your weapons, and have faith in the God you pray to.
We are in the mist of genius.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Imaginary Pay

In a capitalistic world, everybody is trying to get ahead,ever shifting their eyes,their intend is misread.
The heck with the other guy,as he got in my way, I don't want to talk about it,I don't have the time today, here, honesty to ones own heart is held at bay.
All the while our spiritual union gets further and further away, and all for ones "Imaginary pay.
There is a better way.

Thursday, May 10, 2012


A species that creates God in their image, will not see all other life forms as being equal.
They will believe that they are the chosen ones, and therefore will take advantage of all other species.
Man must see God as being centered within all beings, looking through all eyes, or he is doomed to create his own living "Hell" on Earth.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

All Are Equally (((Alive))).

All Are Equally (((Alive)))

A species that imagines & or creates God in their own image, will not see all other life forms as being equal. They will believe that they are the chosen ones, and therefore, they will take advantage of all other species.
Man must see God as being centered within all beings, looking through all eyes, or he is doomed to create his own living hell, here on earth.

God Holds All Shapes and Sizes

Both, the atheist, and the believer in a God, are "Conscious, (((Aware)))" beings, or they could not form and hold an "Opinion".
When man comes to the "Universal Understanding" that, that which he "Imagines" as being his maker, as being that of a "Universal Field of (((Aware Beingness)))", and not a God of a physical form, shaped only in his image, he will become liberated to his own divinity and see all as "ONE".
"God, and or (((Awareness))), holds "ALL" shapes and sizes", but It It's Self is formless.
"I Am, that I Am", no more or less.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


My programing, and or Ego, is a collective of all of my experiences in life, every dream, touch, smell, sound and sight that has ever been downloaded into my senses, that shapes the "Idea" of who and what I "Think" I am.
But its all a bundle of "Thoughts", a program, an illusion that distracts my attention from my core essence, the silent witness behind the vial of the "Thinking" mind. The ever present, impersonal, and unconditional field of alert (((Awareness))), free of all identity, known to some as the "Great I AM", which is centered in all "Beings".
"I AM that I AM", and nothing else.

Monday, May 7, 2012

The Silent Witness

None are born into, nor do they go out of this world, "owning".
"Owning", is an illusion, that appears to exist in between what man calls life and death, it enslaves ones mind, body and soul.
True freedom, is having nothing to lose.
At death do we part from the illusion of our egos mental slavery.
Our souls will once again merge back into the reservoir of (((Pure Awareness))); the "I AM"ness, the (((Silent Witness))) that is centered in all "Beings".
All, will once again know of "True Liberation".

True Friends

One who makes themselves their best friend, befriends the world.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Spiritual Deprivation

Man is the only species that charges one another to live on an otherwise free and abundant "Living" planet, and that sends their young off to school to be dumbed down to their spiritual nature, and programed to be just "Another Brick in the Wall", while the masses go off to work and war, to pay the taxes, debts and expenses of the few.
Here the family bond is severed, and our children do not receive the proper bonding, nurture and caring that they need to have harmonious lives.
And hence, we are lead like sheep to the Slaughter, becoming robotic and impersonal in our habits.
"We don't Need No Education, we Don't Need No Thought Control, No Dark Sarcasm in the Class Room, Hay Teachers, Leave Those Kids Alone". (Pink Floyd)

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Follow the Path of Wisdom

Religions and politics are "Hand Me Downs", they tend to lose their authenticity and become boxed in and rigid in thier interpretation, with time.
(((Wisdom))), on the other hand, is ever present, therefore, it is authentic and reliable.
"Let (((Wisdom))) be our guide".

Spiritual Deficit

This "Ownership Thing" is quite the lie,it enslaves our souls until the day we die.
And with worldly possessions, man will never be satisfied, this, his history provides.
We are (((Spiritually))) depleted, its time to change the tide.
Imagine no possessions, religions and other things that collide.
And our nomadic nature is being denied.

Its time to go on vacation and do a walk about.

Friday, May 4, 2012


Man is a highly programmable species, so if a family, tribe or nation does not like their students actions, they should change their teachings, not build prisons to house the "misguided".
A people are the reflection of their nurture and nature.
Its as simple as input = output.
The fruit does not fall far from the tree.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Hand Me Downs

If man was led to believe from birth, that the cosmic sphere that he simply calls earth, was indeed the Heaven that he "reads" about in books, he may be a little kinder unto others and his surroundings, as if his God and It' angles were walking beside him, monitoring his every move.
Well, I can assure you that the Kingdom of Heaven is upon him and that God is within looking out, so It knows whats up.
The only thing keeping man from witnessing Heaven "Here & Now" on earth are his "hand me downs" beliefs and actions.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Mental Slavery

As long as one stands in defence of their mental slavery and its suffering, they will remain imprisoned, attracting more of the same, unaware that they themselves hold the key.
(((Deep Breath))), and let go.